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    Dunlop Splicing Materials & Splicing Kits

    For the Most Efficient Splice Tie

    3D Review
    Geri Dön

    Dunlop offers a wide range of materials and accessories for hot and cold moulding operations. These products include hand tools, silicone paper, fasteners and mould plates.

    The weakest point of any rubber conveyor belt is the joint. If the joint is not strong and durable enough, failure can be catastrophic. In order to achieve the best operational results, it is very important that the rubber of the jointing material has very similar physical and characteristic properties compared to the rubber used in the construction of the belt, including the outer covering rubber and the skim (inter-ply) rubber. This is because each rubber-based component has very important properties that apply to its function. In order for the jointing materials to bond with each other, there must also be a harmonious match. This is vital to ensure the most efficient connection possible with good adhesion to both the carcass and the base band. These objectives are often best achieved by utilising jointing materials supplied by the original manufacturer of the tape.

    These regulations stipulate that all European manufacturers are legally obliged to comply with regulations on chemicals, mixtures and substances used to form finished products. The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), based in Helsinki, is the central point of the REACH system. At Dunlop, we see REACH compliance as a fundamental part of our daily functions, as we are responsible for the welfare of everyone who uses additives. In this context, we take all necessary measures to minimise the impact of the supplementary materials used on human health and the environment.

    Optimum Performance and Excellent Compatibility
    Dunlop Splicing Materials Range
    Dunlop Insertion Kits
    Dunlop Safest Bioremediation Materials
    Unrivaled Technical Support and Guidance

    When you buy from Dunlop, you get more than just top quality products because Dunlop provides unrivaled customer support.