Suitable for use in the harsh environments of the food industry
Food Safe and Agriculture Conveyor Belts
Savagreen belts are manufactured in accordance with EU regulations for materials in contact with food and meet EU food safety requirements.
Our Savagreen conveyor belts for food transportation received the technological innovation award at Expoliva 2013 in Spain.
When transporting powdery materials, special conveyor belts are required. Our Savawhite SB-K rubber conveyor belts are recognized by the FDA and the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment as food safe, antistatic (according to EN ISO 284), fire and flame resistant (according to EN ISO 340).
Thanks to the combination of properties, this tape can be used in hazardous, confined and dusty environments where static electricity can cause explosions and where food is processed for food purposes. Such environments are very common in the transport of crystallized sugar, grain in silos, salt, rice and other crops for human and animal consumption, which generate dust during transport.
-SB-K (SB-K standard tape)
– SB-K T1 (SB-K temperature resistant tape)
– SB-K MOR (SB-K tape is resistant to oils and lubricants)
Savagreen tapes are produced in accordance with EU regulations for food contact materials and meet EU food safety requirements.