The design of general purpose conveyor belts allows them to be used in all areas of material handling.
The design of general purpose conveyor belts allows them to be used in all areas of material handling.
Due to the structure of the frame and the quality of the rubber coating, these belts are known for their reliability and long life. The belts are suitable both for general purposes and for industrial use for conveying materials with sharp edges or highly abrasive materials.
– EP frame with multiple inserts (polyester base + polyamide weft)
– Special intermediate rubber that adheres well to fabrics
– High abrasion resistant lining
– Other types of lining by agreement
– Sand quarries, quarries
– Cement factories, concrete plants
– Heat and power plants, waste incineration plants
– Road construction machinery
– Recycling and composting industry, plants for processing mineral raw materials
– Wood industry and sawmills
– Slag transportation
– Transportation of REA gypsum
– Transportation of broken glass
– Transportation of quartz sand or materials containing quartz sand
– Tilting transportation of sliding materials
– Transportation of clay and loam
400, 500, 650, 800, 800, 1000, 1200, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800, 2000 mm.
Anglo-Saxon and other widths by agreement. Maximum width 2100 mm.
Various tensile strengths are available from EP 250 N/mm to EP 3150 N/mm.