Manufactured from specially formulated polyurethane. Abrasion values are 8-10 times better than rubber. Compared to rubber, the coefficient of friction is 60% lower. In this way, it puts less strain on the engine. Thanks to its special design, the tendency of material sticking on it and keeping the material on it is minimized. It does not scratch your conveyor belt thanks to its soft structure.
If you are looking for a quality, tape-safe and leak-proof eraser rubber, don't tire yourself and your budget any more. Answer: Green Duck eraser rubber.
Green Duck eraser tires are the best solution for eraser tires. Thanks to its double-layer structure, it provides very good performance even in difficult conditions.
The primary layer holds the material on the tape. The secondary layer retains dust and particles and provides sealing. Thanks to its special design, it works by bending at 0°, 20°, 30° and 45° angles.
Made of high performance polyurethane and lasts 8-10 times longer than rubber.
Very easy to use. Designed to work with all existing eraser tire systems on the market.
Made of specially formulated polyurethane.