Dunlop Superfort ‘long life’ multi deck conveyor belts have a long track record of superior reliability and durability.
Dunlop Superfort ‘long life’ belts are the ideal solution for a wide range of applications, from light duty to the heaviest, toughest materials and the most demanding working environments.
Dunlop Superfort significantly exceeds the international standards that have the biggest influence on overall belt strength, splice strength and operational lifetime. These factors include abrasion (wear) resistance, tear strength, tensile strength break for both the carcass and the covers and adhesion between the plies and between the covers and the carcass. It also has particularly good low elongation (low stretch) characteristics.
Superfort ‘long life’ belts provide outstanding reliability and durability in a wide cross-section of industries including cement, chemicals & fertilizers, mining, quarries, power plants, recycling, wood, paper and pulp, sugar & food, steel, and transshipment.
Dunlop Superfort belts are available from stock in widths from 400mm up to 2200mm and in tensile strengths from 250 N/mm up to 1000 N/mm. Superfort belts with tensile strengths up to 3150 N/mm can be custom made to order. Superfort belting can be supplied in all Dunlop cover grades including abrasion resistant, heat resistant, extreme cold, oil resistant, fire resistant and combinations such as heat and oil.
The Superfort carcass is available with either 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 synthetic EP (Polyester-Nylon) fabric plies. The EP fabrics that we use are the very best quality available. They are a low stretch and have a consistent longitudinal and transversal tensile strength to provide both first-class handling characteristics and splice strength.
Superfort ın specıfıc usage
Location: South America
Type of Material Carried: Iron Ore – 200 mm
Industry: Mining
After a thorough ınvestıgatıon and analysıs of thıs customer’s needs the RS cover grade was selected resultıng ın ımproved operatıonal performance and longer lıfe.